martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Ozone Therapy: a complementary therapy with a great future.


The ozone has different biological properties, among them we can find the deliverance of more oxygen into the cells when ozone is in contact with blood, the hematites or blood cells, in the moment they catch more oxygen. This occurs in the self-hematotherapy, which consists of extract between 150 and 350 cc of blood, it deposits on a bottle, where the ozone and oxygen is insufflated and then that enriched blood is reinjected again into the blood stream. Therefore, this is a self-transfusion to get a great oxigenation in our body.   

At the same time ozone is a regulator of the immune system (our defense) and has the ability to act as a germicide, which it means that it helps to eliminate different types of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungus or viruses. Due to these properties, health authorities are studying to administer this therapy as a prevention for A flu. This way the Ozone Therapy can be applied because of its antivirical, antibacterial and antifungus capacity, to prepare our weakened body to fight any infection, and if this therapy is administered in healthy body we can boost our immune system and therefore we are less vulnerable to any infection.

For more info click in :,3,subtreatment,252.html/Ozone-Therapy-Treatment-Abroad

Courtesy of Clinica Biomedic - Spain.

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