miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

 To fight every type of cancer we need to change our lifestyle completely, and one of the most important aspect of our lives is the diet. We have to introduce new kind of food including dietary supplements to strengthen our body so we can fight effectively against cancer.

The Budwig Diet is an incredible method which helps us to treat any type of cancer and when combined with alternative therapies, the result is quite positive to achieve the goal of cleanse our body from parasites, toxins, bacteria, fungus and viruses that can enhance cancer somehow and this way to harm our body and mind. As the same time we purify ourselves from those undesirable elements, we can be stronger enough to defeate our cancer.

For more information visit our website at: http://www.clinicabiomedic.com/home

lunes, 21 de enero de 2013


The Oxygen therapy is the administration of oxygen as a medical intervention useful for the treatment of many chronic diseases. Oxygen is essential for the cell metabolism and thus this oxygenation of the tissues is crucial to restore the normality in the vital functions.

It is a necessary therapy to counteract the invasive effects of the conventional oncological therapies and at the same time it strengthens the fagocytes of our immune system which are the cells in charge of destroying the cancer cells.
For more info click at:

jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

Welcome to Clinica Biomedic - Biomedical Center

Our biomedical Clinic is a center devoted to Complementary Medicine and Alternative Therapies where we offer very innovative treatments for cancer and other type of illnesses like degenerative, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases among other chronic diseases. We administer a set of innovative therapies to treat those conditions, therapies such us: hyperthermia (local and body), hydrotherapy of colon, ozone and oxygentherapy, neural therapy, psychotherapy and lasertherapy. We also uses biological and genetic test to assess our patients' condition and decide the optimal combination of therapies that suit him/her properly.